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Announcing - Carbon Neutral Certification

By Michael Cleland

Carbon Neutral Coffee

As a company one of our most fundamental beliefs is in the potential of the specialty coffee model to redistribute opportunity based on merit rather than power. That is that opportunity should be awarded equally. 

We can't ignore, therefore, that if we operate in a way that has a net-negative impact on the environment then we're essentially sacrificing natural resource and ultimately opportunity for future generations. It is these same natural resources that have benefitted us on our journey as a business and to not replenish what we take would be inherently unfair.  

It is because of this that we've made the decision to certify as a Carbon Neutral company and henceforth all of our products and services will be measured and assured under this system. 

What is Carbon Neutrality? 

Carbon neutrality means achieving net zero carbon dioxide emissions by balancing emitting carbon with absorbing carbon. That is, the emissions of CO2 created by a business' activities reduced to zero through a combination of reducing this 'footprint' while supporting 'sinks' e.g forests which naturally remove CO2 from the atmosphere.

How are we Carbon Neutral?

It's impossible to produce roasted coffee without creating carbon but it is possible to reduce the amount created and to counterbalance it to net zero via eco. positive initiatives.

Certification is a 2 stage process where stage one requires partnering with accredited intermediaries to establish a measure of a business' carbon footprint. In this stage for example our packaging, energy, suppliers, transport and every aspect of our supply chain is submitted for rigorous analysis. During this stage we also identify opportunities for efficiencies and carbon reductions. For example, as a result of this we're now proud to say that 100% of the energy used at both of our production sites is from renewable energy sources. 

After optimising our footprint we then select from, or propose, carbon positive initiatives to fund to the same positive value that our business operations are negative. In our particular case we wanted to focus on initiatives in the regions we source our raw coffee from and are currently focussing all of our support on an initiative which protects over 13,000 acres of virgin rainforest in the coffee producing communities of Colombia. 

We're acutely aware that this is not the end but the beginning and is not an add-on but a decision which informs every area of our business. We look forward to sharing updates on both the conservation at origin but also imminent updates on works-in-progress for how we're reducing our impact here in London.